
families supported


units rehabilitated


Labor Workers enrolled


Volunteers supported

Our Impact

Nusaned is a humanitarian, community-based and volunteer organization. We believe that the power to create change comes from working collaboratively.

Nusaned does not engage in any political activity, and remains at equal distance from all religions. We support communities based on a non-biased, egalitarian and value-based needs assessment process.

Our Programs

"I am now convinced that the simplest approach will prove to be the most effective - the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income". Martin Luther King

Our three main programs were created to support our mission to provide shelter, food security, and economic opportunities to under-privileged Lebanese communities, supporting them to become self-sufficient and resilient.


Livelihoods and Social Stability

Basic Assistance

Food Security and Agriculture


The dire economic situation in Lebanon combined with the ongoing pandemic continue to negatively impact families across the country, resulting in breadwinners being unable to work or losing their jobs. Act for Lebanon’s initiative “Adopt-A-Family” aims to help families in need get back on their feet during these unprecedented times. They have partnered with Nusaned to identify these struggling families and provide them with the financial assistance needed for food, rent, utilities, medication, and/or schooling.

Fundraising for this initiative will be based on the support of generous donors all over the world in sponsoring a family in Lebanon. The goal is to secure payments of at least $50 (fresh USD) per family per month for a period of at least 1 year.

Be a part of this essential program and adopt a family today by making a one-time donation or a monthly donation. No amount is too small to transform the lives of those in need!

*Act for Lebanon is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization established in the US. Your donation will be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


November 2020
21 مطعماً في "مار مخايل" ينفض عنه غبار انفجار 4 آب بمساعدة جمعية "نساند"
مما يميزنا كلبنانيين حبنا للحياة. نحب الضحك مهما كانت ظروفنا صعبة، نحب المرح مهما أقفلت الحياة أبوابها أمامنا، ونحب السهر والاستمتاع بمطاعم لبنان والمقاهي فيه مهما ضاقت بنا…
November 2020
جمعية نساند تعيد رسم هوية بيروت الثقافية التي محاها الإنفجار
هل سبق واختبرت المشاعر المتضاربة؟ أن يجتمع الحزن والفرح في آنٍ واحدٍ في قلبك؟ حسناً، هذا ما ستشعر به عندما تجول في أحياء مار مخايل والجميزة في بيروت. ستحزن على ما فعله الإستهتار…